How to Find (and Snag!) the Best Jobs in Southern California

The job hunt is only fun if it pays off. To avoid hunting over and over again, you don’t need to find just any job – you need to find a great job, one that offers the compensation and workplace culture you need to reach your career goals.

How can you sort through the job postings and find the best job openings in SoCal?  Try these tips:

  1. Vary your search. Checking the same old sources over and over will net you the same old results. Instead, switch up your job search by scheduling a check of a different source every day. For instance, on Mondays you might check job boards. On Tuesdays, you might read the want ads. On Wednesdays, you might explore LinkedIn. On Thursdays, you try to find one new source you haven’t considered before. By changing where you search, you discover opportunities you might have missed otherwise.
  2. Reach out to your network. Make at least one day in your job-search week the day in which you connect to at least one person in your professional network. For instance, you might schedule a morning walk with someone on a Monday, to “rev up” your energy and get you motivated for the week ahead. Or you might prefer a midweek coffee break – and schedule a meet up with a professional colleague accordingly. Focus on finding a schedule that works for you, and on reaching out to at least one person in your professional network every week.
  3. Work with a recruiter. Staffing firms in SoCal specialize in placing talented professionals with some of the best companies in the area. Unlike firms with a national reach, SoCal-specific recruiters work to know the companies, the professionals, and the opportunities in the local area inside and out.  By working with a regionally based recruiter, you get the inside scoop on both job postings and companies that are seeking people. You also gain an ally who can help you with everything from polishing your resume to negotiating a job offer.

At Marquee Staffing, our experienced recruiters can help you find the best job openings with the best employers in SoCal – and stand out so you can land the job offer. Contact us today to learn more about our job opportunities in Southern California.
