Job availability changes on a daily basis. Once our application process is complete, you will be considered based on your preferences and your skills and will be offered appropriate positions.
You can apply directly online through this website. Submit your resume and contact our office to schedule an appointment. You may also be tested on your skills, depending on the position requirements.
Marquee Staffing does reference checks with previous employers and other references provided by applicants. Once reference information is complete, you will be offered jobs based on all the factors of your interview process.
Availability can be updated by logging into My Profile. You can also call into our office after hours and leave a voice mail for your designated recruiter. When calling in, please leave your name, phone number, and what type of work you are interested in. We realize that it is not always convenient for you to check in daily. You are simply encouraged to stay in touch with our office, so we are aware of your availability.
Not every job is going to meet the expectations you have. If you are not interested in a position, you are free to decline. We will continue to offer positions to you based on your skills and preferences.
We realize that not every job is a good fit for you; sometimes you do not know that until you have tried the position. If you are on an assignment and find it is not going to work for you, we ask that you contact us immediately. You may be asked to stay at an assignment long enough for us to find a replacement, but we will attempt to remedy the situation as quickly as possible. As with any interaction, communication is the key. We expect open communication from our field employees, and they can expect the same from the Marquee Staffing office.
There is no fee to our applicants to register or to be placed on assignment through Marquee Staffing.
Some of our positions will be posted on our website. We also post some job openings on our Marquee Staffing Facebook page and will email blast or tweet some openings. Feel free to ask about current opportunities when you call in with your availability.