Improve Your LinkedIn Profile by Getting Published

A publication credit on your resume improves your standing in the medical device industry. It demonstrates that you’ve gained the expertise to offer real value to your readers, and it shows that you have the passion and dedication to sit down and put that expertise into writing.

If you’ve focused on honing your skills in recent years, you may not have had time to learn the ins and outs of contacting editors, preparing a piece, or placing it with the right publication. But with the rise of social media sites like LinkedIn, navigating the rules of traditional publishing has become less essential to getting published. Here’s how to use LinkedIn to access the benefits of publishing without waiting on the print process:

  1. Treat LinkedIn as your professional portfolio. Recruiters and employers alike are using LinkedIn to search for top talent. The site is designed to let professionals showcase their work – so use it for this purpose. Upload pieces you may have published elsewhere, whether in print or in digital formats like blogs, offer videos, slide shows, and other materials that show off your strengths.
  2. Use LinkedIn as a publishing platform. If you’re new to writing publicly about your work, LinkedIn can be a great place to release your ideas to a targeted audience. By using LinkedIn to publish your writing, you control which pieces appear in front of an audience of your fellow professionals. You also ensure that your writing appears in front of people who know your field, who can offer useful feedback about your ideas, and who are poised to share your insights with companies seeking to hire people with your skill set.
  3. Make your work searchable. Just as you include keywords in your LinkedIn profile, include them in your writing in a way that sounds natural, yet helps ensure that employers looking for medical device professionals will hit on your work. Learning more about search engine optimization (SEO) writing can help you do this, or you can talk to your recruiter about the best ways to reach an audience of fellow professionals.

At Marquee Staffing, our experienced recruiters can help you ensure your application materials underscore your strengths and demonstrate the immense value you offer potential employers. Contact us today to learn more about our employment opportunities in Southern California.

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