Answer the Interview Question: Why Do You Want to Work Here?
“Why do you want to work here?”
Like many interview questions, this one actually hides a slightly different question: “Why are you the best candidate for this job?” Candidates who can demonstrate knowledge about the company and a clear understanding of how the job they’re applying for fits into the “big picture” show that they’re passionate about working for this company – which immediately sets them apart from interviewees who find themselves flummoxed.
Here’s how to prepare to answer the question “Why do you want to work here?”
- Know the company. Before your interview, research the employer. Learn everything you can about what the company does, what its mission and values are, how it fits into the industry, and what its plans for the coming months and years look like. The Internet can be a valuable resource, and your recruiter can also provide you an “inside view” of the organization.
- Understand the job posting. The more you learn about the company, the easier it will be to understand why the job you’re applying for is necessary to the company’s success. Focus on how your accomplishments and skills help make the position a success, and how that in turn helps the company.
- Create a concise answer that focuses on your strengths. As you read the job posting, circle the skills or accomplishments that are among your best strengths. Use these, along with your knowledge of the company, as the basis for your answer. Start by finding a problem the company needs to solve, then discuss how your abilities and enthusiasm for the work make you the ideal person to solve the problem. For example, if you love coding apps and you’re applying for an IT position at a company that is struggling to join the mobile revolution, you might say “I understand that this company has a lot to offer younger tech users, but still lacks the mobile platforms needed to reach them. Since I enjoy working on mobile solutions, I’m excited to help this company build and expand that platform.”
- Bring it up yourself if needed. In some interviews, you might prepare a response to this question, only to find that the interviewer never asks it. Don’t let your preparation go to waste! When asked if you have any more questions or comments, mention: “I want you to know that I’m really looking forward to working here because….”
At Marquee Staffing, our experienced recruiters can help you land a job at a SoCal employer you’ll love working for. Contact us today to learn more.