The Secret Guide to an Organized Job Search
Every day, dozens of people throughout SoCal conduct job searches. But the ones who land the offers usually have a hidden secret: they took the organized approach.
To join the ranks of those who are already saying “Great! When do I start?” get your job search organized. Here’s how:
- Decide when and where you’ll work, and stick to it. First, choose a workspace. You’ll spend some time on your job search here every day, so pick a place you can concentrate for a few hours – like your kitchen table, your home office, or a local coffee shop. Then, decide when you will work on your job search each day. Block out as much time as you can spare, but no fewer than two hours at a stretch. Put this time on your calendar. When it arrives every day, be in your job-search “zone.”
- Gather your supplies. Gather together everything you need for your job search and keep it in or near your workspace. For instance, if you work in your home office, keep your laptop or tablet, your phone, mailing supplies, and items like your resume and cover letters on or near your desk, so you can refer to them easily. If you plan to work “on the go” at a library or coffee shop, organize these items in a single laptop bag or tote to make them easy to carry with you.
- Create an employer tracking system. Have you applied to this company already – and if so, to what position? How long ago was that? Did they ever get back to you? Were they at the job fair you attended last week? Make it easy to remember items like this by creating a tracking system in a spreadsheet or database program. Make notes of every contact you have with an employer, the date, and what happened.
- Move your target. Instead of looking in the same places every day, set up a weekly rotation for your job search. For instance, on Monday, you might check your recruiter’s job postings and contact them if you find something that interests you. On Tuesday, check the local “want” ads. On Wednesday, meet a member of your network for coffee or a brief walk to discuss your job search. You’ll keep yourself more engaged and cover more territory in less time.
At Marquee Staffing, our experienced recruiters can help you organize your job search to uncover better positions with great SoCal employers. Contact us today to learn more about our job opportunities in Irvine and beyond.